
Korzo Studio X

Event in the past.

New Horizons: Double Bill I - Online

Duration 2940 min
Part of India Dance Festival

* Please note: This is an online performance and will be available on-demand for 48 hours.

Based in India ₹
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For global access $ (except The Netherlands and India)
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With the New Horizons performances, you can discover and follow a new generation from India and the Netherlands. Various creatives managed to distinguish themselves during the pandemic with their innovative online activities and their new, groundbreaking productions.

Two young Indian dance makers open doors to Indian traditions. With one contemporary solo and one Bharatanatyam solo. 

Bertwin Ravi D'souza: Moksh..The quest for salvation 

Bertwin Ravi D'souza is a contemporary dancer, choreographer, teacher, and movement coach who works from Mumbai. In his dance creations and workshops, he uses the Flesh ’n Bones technique of his own design; an instinctive, raw approach to the development of dance material. He is in great demand as a choreographer and has made work for Bollywood movies, musicals, the Indian So You Think You Can Dance and more… In this double bill performance, we will see Moksh..The quest for salvation

“We live in a world formed by traditional convictions, rituals, and modern practices. We follow them all in the hope that we will finally reach our ‘goal’. And we may well arrive at ultimate liberation, Moksha. Is that the end of everything?” In this piece, Bertwin presents the exhausting journey of an ascetic, a loyal follower of Shiva who continually performs all his rituals and sacrifices to become one with a higher plane and to become liberated. While he questions and examines this obscure existence, he reveals truths and falsehoods in an intense struggle between his convictions and the unknown. 

Pavitra Bhat: Tatvam – Absolute Position 

Pavitra Bhat distinguishes himself from other up-and-coming Bharatanatyam dancers through his dedication and commitment to his art. He is one of the leading pupils of the well-known Bharatanatyam exponent Guru Shri Deepak Mazumdar. Before that, he studied at Kalanjali with Kumari Vasanti. Pavitra is an extremely lively and elegant performer, a dancer who makes everything look easy. The precision of his movements, his pure dance quality and sensitive Abhinaya is recognized by critics, connoisseurs, as well as by his colleagues. 

In his solo Tatvam, Pavitra portrays supreme being Shiva in the hypostasis Ardhanarishvara (the lord who is half woman). It is the expression of Shiva’s divine, androgynous, two-sided nature where he, in his manifestation of the highest masculine flows together with his own female half.   



Korzo Studio X

Event in the past.

New Horizons: Double Bill I - Online


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