Artists | Stephanie Pan, Ela Orleans, Ensemble Klang |
Duration | 125 min |
Part of | Musical Utopias |
Sometimes you have to give in to the rolling waves
Stephanie Pan & Ensemble Klang - The Art of Doing Nothing
Stephanie Pan and Ensemble Klang open the festival with The Art of Doing Nothing, a feminist manifesto about listening to yourself and the world around you. About standing still. About not always swimming against the current, but sometimes just letting yourself be carried on the waves. And then make conscious choices. Saving power to explode with power.
The Art of Doing Nothing celebrates soft 'feminine' qualities such as intuition, doubt and vulnerability. It invites you to let go and embrace the magical space of not knowing.
Together with Ensemble Klang, Stephanie Pan takes you on a sonic journey through rich landscapes, pounding and gritty beats, distilled silence, and lush dramatic song.
Ela Orleans - Night Voyager
Set to soaring music featuring live synthesiser, theremin and violin, footage of the 1969 Apollo moon mission is repurposed to retell the narrative of Night Thoughts, a nine-poem cycle written by Edward Young in the 1740s. Night Voyager marries visuals from the NASA archives, capturing fearful but optimistic astronauts and their anxious loved ones left at home, with Young's meditation on death – and speaks, too, of the possibility of cultural forgetting, as in Young's poem, now scarcely remembered but called in its time "the grandest and richest poetry that human genius has ever produced”.

Korzo Various spaces