
Korzo Studio X

Event in the past.
Fri 20 May

India Dance Festival: 360° Elemental (Online opening act)

The unique 360° Elemental program presents three young makers from India and three from the Netherlands within a fixed video format. Each maker receives the same music in advance from Slagwerk Den Haag and the choreography is filmed in a circle (360°). As a source of inspiration for their dance, they choose one of the five Ayurvedic elements: water, fire, earth, air and ether.

360° Elemental is the online opening act of New Horizons.


Voorprogramma 360
New Horizons Naprogramma 360
19/05 - 21/05 Ankit Double bill I Pavitra + Bertwin Veronica
21/05 - 23/05 Sharani Double bill II Diya, Hari+Chethana Indu/Tarani
25/05 - 27/05 Dane Shailesh Bahoran - Kishan Ankit
27/05 - 29/05 Tarani/Veronica Poernima Gobardhan - Elly&Me + My Pitrs Sharani
28/05 - 31/05 Indu Bhavana Reddy Dane

Korzo Studio X

Event in the past.
Fri 20 May

India Dance Festival: 360° Elemental (Online opening act)