
Club Korzo

Event in the past.

Ik stond in een kutvoorstelling maar mijn haar zat wel heel goed

Production Mevrouw Ogterop
Duration 60 min
Part of Future Heroes
Roots & Identity

One glance at the political arena of television shows how few women contribute to discussions on important topics.

but art abuses
that which is vulnerable is defenceless
and the defenceless is pretty
and if you say so
it will do anything.

In the Netherlands we take pride in being a modern and progressive country. And feminist as well, with equal rights for men and women and equal treatment on all fronts. Nothing could be further from the truth, however. One glance at the political arena or television shows how few women contribute to discussions on important topics. You would think things would be different in the theatre. New stories are told in the theatre where everything is possible. But the reality is that actresses have to wait and see which roles they get to play; they are part of a system that judges women according to the male gaze and usually play only supporting roles.

Ik stond in een kutvoorstelling maar mijn haar zat wel heel goed (the show I was in was shit, but at least my hair looked really good) is a comic performance that pulls no punches, featuring the position of women in the theatre. In a text by Magne van den Berg, three actresses resist the position in which the system keeps them captive. It also shows how they keep themselves captive.


Text Magne van den Berg
Direction Lies van de Wiel (De Poolse Bruid)
Players Lotte Dunselman, Marjolein Ley, Alejandra Theus
Dramaturgy Janine Brogt
Costumes Freja Roelofs
Production Productiehuis Mevrouw Ogterop

Club Korzo

Event in the past.

Ik stond in een kutvoorstelling maar mijn haar zat wel heel goed


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