
Korzo Zaal

Event in the past.

Musical Utopias: Elaine Mitchener, Jan-Bas Bollen & Ensemble Klang

Composer Jan-Bas Bollen
Performance Elaine Mitchener (sopraan), Ensemble Klang
Duration 60 min
Part of Musical Utopias
Experimental Adventures

Blight & Beauty

With great great regret Ensemble Klang & Korzo announce the cancellation of Musical Utopias #4 including this program. The new lockdown regulations make it impossible for us to prepare and present the festival. Below you can read our policy regarding your ticket(s).


Jan-Bas Bollen’s bold and colourful music combines the soundworld of rock and R&B music with the highest refinement in structure and artistic statement. He returns to work with Ensemble Klang on a song cycle featuring as soloist the unique soprano Elaine Mitchener, together with video, performance theater and electronics, to create a full sensory experience.

Blight & Beauty builds on the synergy between Bollen’s musical language and Ensemble Klang. As one of the first composers to write for the group, back in 2004, this new 'Song Book' takes as its subject ‘the beauty of decay’, with texts by Romantic poets Shelley, Blake and Keats.

© Martin Klimas
© Martin Klimas

Korzo Zaal

Event in the past.

Musical Utopias: Elaine Mitchener, Jan-Bas Bollen & Ensemble Klang


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