
Korzo Zaal

Event in the past.

Unheard Music Festival: DownUNDER - (UN)Heard Music Festival

Duration 60 min
Part of Unheard Music Festival

Composer in residence at the (Un)heard Music Festival John Psathas has Greek-New Zealand roots. What other music comes from 'Down Under? At 'Down-Under,' Matangi will play works by Australian and New Zealand composers such as Alison Isadora, Peter Sculthorpe and Kate Moore. Winners of the Princess Christina Composers Competition will also make an appearance and get to perform their #90seconds composition themselves.


Would you like to visit all the performances of (UN)Heard Music Festival 2023? Order your passe-partout here.


Alison Isadora (NZ) Point of Departure
Kate Moore (USA) For Matangi
John Psathas (NZ) Abhisheka
Peter Sculthorpe (AUS) Earth Cry
Traditional (AUS) Waltzing Mathilda


Korzo Zaal

Event in the past.

Unheard Music Festival: DownUNDER - (UN)Heard Music Festival


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