
Korzo Zaal

Event in the past.

Cirque Mania #18: À 2 mètres

You're allowed to feel human

Three elements: two acrobats that balance on a Chinese pole and oxygen, the invisible substance that's in our air, but is largely absent in the body of circusmaker and acrobat Jesse Huygh. From the age of twelve he is diagnosed with cystic fibrosis, but that doesn't stop him from a career in contemporary circus.

In Á 2 metres, Jesse – with the help of performer Rocio Garotte – shows us that we shouldn't follow our fears, but our dreams. A performance that meditates on the fragility of life, but also the power of hope. Getting to know yourself, helping each other out, learning to find the strength to grow into the real you: all themes that are touched upon with the utmost sincerity in Á 2 metres. A moving show full of big-hearted moments, that allows humans to feel human.  

Day ticket

Day tickets for Saturday 23 September 2023 are sold out.


Passe-partouts are unfortunately sold out.

Cirque Meal

Every night during Cirque Mania, it is possible to eat at Korzo for only €10! You get a full plate of food for this price (vegetarian/vegan options are possible). You can add the meal to your ticket in the order screen. Already bought a ticket but no meal yet? You can order a separate meal via the link below.

The Cirque Meal will be served in the Korzo Foyer between 17:30 and 20:00.

It is not possible to order a Cirque Meal anymore

Korzo Zaal

Event in the past.

Cirque Mania #18: À 2 mètres


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