
Korzo was Corso

In the Korzo club there's an exposition highlighting 40 years of Korzo. On this page you will find the English translation of the texts. 


About the Korzo-building

Back in the seventies, the now-Korzo building housed the cinema Corso Camera, a franchise that had locations in Rotterdam and Amsterdam. In 1979 the Corso Camera-cinema went bankrupt. The building stayed vacant until 1983, when squatters made it their home.


November 1983: squatters take the building

The building comes alive again in November 1983. The old Corso gets squatted! A group of artists and students – the K.S.A. (Katholieke Sociale Akademie – joined by fellow Hagenaars/Hagenezen from Theaterwerkplaats, Stichting Haagse Pop and Stichting Zeebelt make the old Corso come alive. They want to transform the empty lot into a vibrant place where creatives can experiment and ‘play’.

That’s quite a challenge considering the state of the building: there’s no gas, water or electricity (although there’s a quick solution to getting electricity, by illegally intercepting it from the neighbours). Various rooms and areas of the building aren’t even accessible because of piles of rubble.


February 1984: Corso becomes Korzo

In the three months after the squatting, the diverse group of squatters try to clean up and make the place presentable. There’s an official opening coming up: an opening manifestation called Corso wordt Korzo, where more then 30 artists and makers perform, with some local powerhouses like Alex d’Electrique, the Haagse slagwerkers and Brigitte Kaandorp.

There’s a lot of praise in the media for this opening manifestation. Local politicians aren’t too happy however: councilman Guido Halleen (party of CDA, responsible for policy on local culture) claims the squatting of the building ‘makes no sense’. Halleen suggests that the group of squatters should invest their energy in partnership with existing theatres in the Hague.


1984-1986: First years of the theatre

In those first years, Korzo operates under what the Dutch government calls ‘gedoogbeleid’. It’s not legal to exploit Korzo, but local government decides to tolerate Korzo for now. Financially this is a hard phase in the history of Korzo; there’s barely any money coming in. In spite of that, more than 100 events (with several homemade productions) see the light of day, thanks to a loyal group of volunteers.


January 1985: iceskating in de Grote Zaal

Korzo is unconventional in all of its actions. A great example is the creation of an ice skating rink in the winter of 1985. It’s a harsh winter, with temperatures below 15 degrees Celsius. Korzo still lacks central heating, so the temperature inside the building isn’t very different from outside.

That inspires the Korzo-squatters to create an ice rink in the Grote Zaal. This crazy plan starts with large amounts of agricultural plastic to cover the floor and ends with everyone taking night shifts, to make sure that the future ice rink is filled with water completely. It takes a few days and nights, but the crazy plan succeeds: an actual ice rink in Korzo! That makes for a few joyful days of ice skating, with ‘koek & zopie’ (drinks and snacks) included.

The plan hasn’t really been thought through: pretty soon the Grote Zaal needs to be prepared for an actual show again. It’s still freezing cold, so there’s only one option: to get rid of the ice in the hardest way possible. Everyone joins in to slash the ice with pickaxes, a task that takes ages. The courtyard is filled with big blocks of ice for two months to come, a reminder of a fun time.




May 1986: the ‘9 mei-effekt’

May 1986 marks a turning point in the history of Korzo. There’s a new wind blowing in local politics: left-wing parties have won the election and with Jack Verduyn Lunel (of the party Links Den Haag) there’s a new councilman on cultural policy. He speaks at Korzo’s 2,5 anniversary party to announce that the local government is offering Korzo two million gulden (the then Dutch currency) to renovate the Korzo-building. Korzo is no longer tolerated, but acknowledged. The original Korzo-squatters call this ‘het 9 mei-effekt’.

The renovation takes over more than a year. The balcony in the Grote Zaal is in such a poor state that it has to be demolished completely. But there’s a lot more that doesn’t survive: only the foundation and the casco of the building remain. The renovation is completed in September 1988. The Korzianen (as they call themselves) can now start to furnish their theatre.


1987: Leo Spreksel, the first dance programmer

During the big renovation, Korzo houses in a small gym at the Bezemstraat. But when the building is completely renovated and ready to go, it’s full steam ahead again. The dance sector in the Netherlands is growing and blossoming at that time. Korzo decides to go and look for a dance programmer, a vacancy that they don’t really have a budget for. Leo Spreksel turns out to be the best candidate, with his knowledge of the sector, his big network and the vision on Korzo as a theatre and later production house.

Korzo creates an unique position for itself in the Hague. Bernadette Stokvis programs mime-performances, Hans Hersbach knows all about music and Leo Spreksel programs dance. Later, in 1993, Leo and Bernadette become the artistic and business director of Korzo.



1992: First CaDance Festival at Korzo

Korzo distinguished itself in the 1990s with – among other things –  the inaugural CaDance festival, an event that was founded in 1987 by Theater aan het Spui – then named Theater aan de Haven – which revolved around showing the best theater and dance performances of the year. Korzo was asked to take over the event because of its dance expertise.The theater was also asked to contribute to the festival, but dance programmer Leo Spreksel saw little point in repeating performances from the past season. Spreksel’s goal was to show new and exciting productions, an ambition that turned out to be a success for both CaDance and Korzo. After two years of steadfast collaboration, Korzo took over the entire festival in 1992. In the 1990s, CaDance became one of The Hague’s beloved staple festivals, contributing immensely to the growth of Korzo.


1993: Four Steps Forward

Offering a launchpad for upcoming talent is already firmly part of Korzo’s DNA back then. Leo Spreksel decides there has to be a programme to support starting choreographers and starts with Four Steps Forward, specifically aimed to highlight the work of makers from The Hague. The Hague is turning more and more into a city of dance at that point.

The concept of Four Steps Forward – one night with various pieces by talented choreographers like Dylan Newcomb, Keith Derrich Randolph and Thom Stuart – remains a staple in the Korzo-programme throughout the years. The programma later on morphs into Voorjaarsontwaken during spring, with six shows in the Kerkstudio and the Grote Zaal. The past few years, we programmed Here we live and now in December, with three brand new pieces by talented choreographers.


1999: 15th birthday and the opening of a new studio

Korzo reaches ‘adulthood’ in 1999, as the Haagsche Courant writes. An old reformed church has been part of the Korzo-building for some years now, housing Jeugdtheater and theatreschool Rabarber. When they both decide to leave, Leo and Bernadette see an opportunity to expand Korzo. And so it happens: the church is purchased and after a big renovation, the new studio of Korzo opens its doors in 1999.

The opening of the studio is a festive moment, since Korzo is also celebrating its 15th birthday. The complete building of Korzo is in use during the anniversary programme Korzo op de Kaart, with dance, music, performances and performative arts. A night that shows a lot of promise on how Korzo will programme the years to come.



2006: Crosstown

In 2006 Korzo works together with several other partners in the Hague to launch something new: Crosstown, a programme for Hague youngsters with dance ambitions. Crosstown offers those that enroll the chance to discover their talents and develop them. A bunch of big dance names train them from the start: Lloyd Marengo, Samir Calixto, Amos Ben-Tal and Ryan Djojokarso all work with groups to get them ready for an official performance.

Crosstown is still around, although the name changed: we call it Get Moving now. Young people can apply for a wide array of Get Moving-trajectories and rehearse for a performance or presentation. 

2008: Korzo’s big renovation

The years from 2000 onwards are marked by  growing pains. Sold out shows put a lot of pressure on the foyer, the cloakroom and other facilities are outdated and the production house has outgrown it’s studio availability. Time for a big renovation: the municipality of The Hague and Korzo decide so to adjust the Prinsestraat-building to the standards of the modern time. It’s going to be a serious renovation, with the demolition of the former church and a big make-over of de Grote Zaal. 

2009: temporary theatre in de Binckhorst 
So: a big renovation that will last for a few years, so will Korzo close for the coming time? Not at all!

During the renovation, Korzo opens up a temporary location at de Binckhorst, a neighbourhood in the Hague. The BINK36-building - the former headquarters of Dutch telecomprovider KPN - will serve as a new home. Korzo will take up the fifth floor and moves the offices and the theatre to de Binckhorst. Quite the labor: the former KPN-canteen is transformed into a theatre hall, a new wooden floor and a stand are installed and the technicians build a basisgrid for the theatre lamps. 

The new name: Korzo5HOOG, with a nod to the 5th floor. But Korzo5HOOG is not a direct hit. It’s a challenge to lure visitors to a neighbourhood quite far from the city centre and the Binckhorst can be a bit gloomy late at night. Despite these challenges, Korzo overcomes a slow start and manages to stay relevant and exciting in the years that follow, by using the BINK36-building in all its forms. Audiences face the windows – with a staggering view – for some performances and during a music festival visitors are surprised with an ensemble playing in a tiny elevator. 

2011: official opening of the new Korzo

After an almost three year renovation, the new Korzo is done. The new building is immediately up and running during the CaDance Festival. But not before the new Korzo is officially opened by a very special guest. Princess Máxima of the Netherlands cuts the ribbon on February 1st and gets a tour through the new building, where she meets the architects, the management and the choreographers rehearsing for CaDance. 

There’s lots to see for Máxima. The former church has been demolished to make room for three large studio’s and facilities for artists and employees. De Grote Zaal has undergone a metamorphosis: the stage/’vlakke vloer’ is much bigger now and the space has been upgraded with the latest technical innovations. Korzo’s team of technicians have installed a unique system that makes it much easier to change lights and spots. A far mor easier and more flexible way of working for the technicians. 

The foyer has changed quite a bit as well. The ceiling has been lifted, which creates room for more daylight in the foyer. The Korzo Club is an entirely new hall/space for presentations with room for 60 audience members. The Club can easily be merged with the foyer by opening all the doors, a long standing wish since the foyer is the desired meeting place for artists and audience members. 



2011: India Dans Festival

Korzo is a house in motion and continues to prove that statement. In 2011, the artistic team presents a brand new festival: India Dans Festival. The driving force behind IDF is Korzo’s artistic director Leo Spreksel, who has a great passion and love for Indian dance & culture. 

India Dans Festival has a bold approach and marries tradition with innovation: talented makers interpret classic styles like Bharatanatyam, Odissi and Kathak and make it their own. A vision that resonates: the festival grows out to be an important event where the Indian and Hindustani community in the Hague can celebrate their rich culture. Leo retires in 2018, but stays on as festival director until 2024. The festival has its last edition after eleven successful editions and will continue to live on in Korzo’s programme throughout the year. 


2016: Cirque Mania

The ‘new’ cricus is a relatively young genre with a lot going on. There are multiple new makers that innovate circus at a high pace and create extraordinary work. Korzo has always been on top of this new circus movement, so a whole weekend of circus programme followed in 2016. Tickets were sold out in no time, so the team decided to program such a circus weekend twice a year. Cirque Mania was born!

New circus makers keep popping up and they need places to play and perform. Cirque Mania offers them the stage and an audience. The festival – in close collaboration with Codarts Rotterdam, where new circus makers graduate every year – still grows every year. It has lead to even more circus festivals in other Dutch theatres and a solidification of circus in Korzo’s programme. 


What about the future?

Korzo is a house in motion and continues to move. In 2018, a new concept is launched: Playground, where makers from the Hague get the opportunity to perform in Korzo. They can send in their work via an open call and a jury decides upon four acts that will perform during Playground. It has grown into a fun night with talented makers from all kinds of genres. 

Korzo is a production house with several makers that create work during a four year-residency. But there are more and more options for makers to work with Korzo. With our residence-packages we offer unique options: whether you just want to use the studio (XS) or want Korzo to produce an entire work of yours (XL). Everything is possible, as long as there is innovation, creativity and connection. 

And what about the future? There are plenty of plans and dreams for the coming four years, plans & dreams we can fulfil with the financial support of the Dutch government and the Hague municipality. We will say goodbye to makers who’s residence ends this year and we will welcome new faces for their four year-residency. We’re planning to make our building more accessible and visible in (the city centre of) the Hague. And we keep looking for new ways to programme in an inclusive way. Lots to do, so we keep moving! 



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