
CaDance Festival

Where worlds collide and connect (edition 2023)

The world is constantly changing. We determine what that world looks like. Through our own flow, beliefs, fears and desires, we give direction to it. With ever-increasing polarization, we seem to be drifting further apart, but what if, in that movement, we actually try to come closer together? We circle each other, as if on a dance floor where different ideas swirl around. Grasping each other and swaying, we search for what sets us in motion.

We invite you to walk in some else’s shoes and experience their world. In Korzo and at special locations in The Hague you will enjoy cutting-edge performances of both undiscovered and celebrated makers.

The question is not whether we meet, but what that meeting looks like. Every encounter has the potential to set something new in motion. For ten days, Cadance is the place where worlds meet and collide. Like in a crowded club where suddenly space is created to walk between people. The question is: who will you allow to set you in motion?   


The programme of the next edition will be announced at the end of 2024

Programm overview:

CaDance Festival


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