
Korzo Zaal

Event in the past.


A visual performance with puppets, drawings, models, live cinema and music.

Note: this performance is in Dutch.

Winterwater is the coming-of-age story of Lex. An uninhibited boy who looks into the world full of wonder. He grows up in a traditional Frisian village, with a French father, strictly religious mother and two brothers.

The performance Winterwater, based on Lex Paleaux's book of the same name, immerses the audience in the world of a small boy with a big imagination.' - Het Parool

Curious, Lexje asks the big questions no one asks. He is seen as rebellious and gets beat up by the people that are supposed to love him. Fortunately, he finds support in his big imagination and Freddy Mercury; the neighbor's dog. But when he has no one to turn to after a terrible event, things become problematic. Loneliness takes its toll.

The performance Winterwater is based on Lex Paleaux's debut novel of the same name (2020), a fictional story based on fact. The young figure theater company Studio Figur, theater producer Rieks Swarte & production house Feikes Huis join forces for this performance full of puppets, drawings, models, live cinema and music. Winterwater is a performance for adults and young people (14 years and older). 

In collaboration with the Toneelmakerij, a mini-docu IJSBREKERS was made to accompany the performance. It is made for and by young people and deals with the theme of 'loneliness'. You can watch it on Vimeo.

Concept Noufri Bachdim & Rieks Swarte
Performance Nick Bos, Gerold Guthman, Pluck Venema & Tim Hammer/Alexander Brouwer
Director Noufri Bachdim
Directors assistent Marjolein Verschuuren
Scenario Patrick Minks
Dramaturgy Pol Eggermont
Composition Sebastiaan Bax 
Set design Rieks Swarte
Set construction Ed van Liemt
Puppets Pluck Venema
Costumes Vita Coenen
Light design Yannick Verwey
Tech Sander van den Bout & Thijs Visser
Impactprogram Marieke Braaksma, Mark Kramer
Thanks to de Toneelmakerij
Based on the book by Lex Paleaux

Korzo Zaal

Event in the past.



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