
Korzo Zaal

We Are Doing Great

Artist Antonin Rioche
Duration 60 min

Who’s the first person to exit the room?

The conclusion of most relationships often involves a suspended moment, a pause fueled by the fear of the inevitable separation. It's the moment when both individuals hesitate to exit the room, fully aware that there's no turning back. The door stands open, yet neither summons the courage to take the first step. In that tense electrically charged instance, the air becomes almost palpable, each breath laden with significance. Admitting defeat, and being the first to depart, is a daunting challenge.

It's the thrill of standing on that precipice that intrigues choreographer Antonin Rioche —the moment just before the final break. The instant when you avert each other's gaze, unwilling to confront reality. You stand frozen, you contemplate reigniting the flame, but the fire is extinguished, and the wood is damp. You wait for the other person to speak, to make a move, to be the first to exit the room. Both immersed in fear.

What holds us back from departing in those critical moments? We Are Doing Great will express it all: the introspection, the relentless questioning of ‘where did it all go wrong?’ As if the duet embodies a singular moment, encapsulating all within that fraction of time. Love and hatred intertwined, pain dancing within the shadows.

We Are Doing Great is about the end of something beautiful and is also quite literally the end of something beautiful: this is the last work that Antonin will create for Korzo as a maker in residence.


Antonin Rioche (1994) is a French storyteller, director, choreographer, and writer. He finds interest in all art forms, particularly in photography, film and fashion. Antonin creates through different lenses of expression. Movement is the root of creation, but not automatically its starting point. His work often departs from writing a text that translates his thoughts, emotions and personal experiences. From there, poetic interpretations emerge about general human emotions. Antonin has been an artist in residence at Korzo for four years and is now closing off his tenure with We Are Doing Great. Read more about Antonin and his work here.

Read more about Antonin

Direction Antonin Rioche
Choreography, text and performance Antonin Rioche, Emilie Leriche
Set and light design Loes Schakenbos
Sound design Jorg Schellekens
Photography Alex Avgud
Production Korzo
Co-producer Centre chorégraphique national de Créteil et du Val-de-Marne | EMKA - Direction Mehdi Kerkouche as part of the l’Accueil Studio - Ministère de la Culture (FR)
With support of Orsolina28 Art Foundation (ITA), MART Foundation (USA)
Thanks to La Briqueterie CDCN du Val-de-Marne (FR), Cromot – maison d’artistes et de production (FR)
And thanks to Nadia Tereszkiewicz, Sotos Verros, Rosanne Briens

Korzo Zaal

We Are Doing Great


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