
Korzo Zaal

Event in the past.

Festival Dag in de Branding: Wake the Dead

A kaleidoscopic, spatial concert experience where the past comes to life again.

In Wake the Dead old and new music, improvisation and electronics come together. Morris Kliphuis and Joanna Duda create a hypnotic sound world of soft textures, restless ostinatos, and snatches of melody, interwoven with the melancholic sound of the baroque violin, traverso, viola da gamba, and violone. The musical past enters into dialogue with the present and baroque instruments are approached with a fresh ear for their intimate wistful sound. A Kaleidoscopic, spatial concert experience.

French horn player Kliphuis and pianist Duda met in 2019 during the residency Sound Out in Poland. They share a career in the jazz scene, a background in classical music, and both combine live electronics with their acoustic instruments. In conversations about a joint project, their fascination for the sound of baroque instruments quickly became evident.

This concert is part of Festival Dag in de Branding. During this festival, venues in The Hague, the Residentie Orkest, and various ensembles introduce you to the latest music. Three times a year they jointly organise a festival filled with discoveries at various locations in the Hague. Today’s creatives are featured. Meet the composers and talk afterward with the musicians. What fascinates them and how do you hear these fascinations in their music? Find the complete festival program at www.dagindebranding.nl.

Korzo Zaal

Event in the past.

Festival Dag in de Branding: Wake the Dead


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