
Korzo Studio

Sat 24 May


Coaching and direction Xem Vermeij, Jeroen de Graaf
Duration 50 min

Would you like to escape too? 
Meet BLCKBX: Theatre Rabarber's talent development programme. This time with a real CaDance edition on the theme of escapism. 
‘Man needs escape just as he needs food and sleep,’ says poet W.H. Auden (1935). The desire to sometimes escape from our daily existence seems to be growing. What does that say about us and the times we live in? And why would fleeing be a weakness? Does the desire to disappear make you a less engaged citizen? Or does escapism actually provide space in your mind to reconnect with the world around you, recharged - and a little changed?   
In the performance Verademing, 17 young people search for who they are between the world they long for and the world they have to relate to day by day. Where do they find the space to be themselves?   


Coaching & direction: Xem Vermeij en Jeroen de Graaf
Co-creators / Performers: Manin, Rose, Sabine, Kiki, Ciro, Ferhat, Mateo, Dheny, Quiten, Delphine, Miranda, Jeremy, Noa, Oscar, Sasha, Shakeera.
Made possible by: Theaterschool Rabarber. 

Performance dates

Sat 24

Korzo Studio

The Hague

Sat 24

Korzo Studio

The Hague

Korzo Studio

Sat 24 May



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