
Korzo Zaal

Planet Femme by Theatergroep Pardon

Duration 75 min

Planet Femme is a humorous, feminist, queer play taking place on a planet where only
women exist.

During 'Planet Femme', theatre company Pardon will work with their own written
lyrics, music and choreography. By combining these different disciplines, they will take the audience on an educational yet hilarious journey. They're ready for the show about a world where ‘woman’ is the only known life form. But what happens when one of their own no longer feels like they fit into that category?

'Planet Femme' is set on the women's planet in the Mother Milky Way. Every month, the ministers of the planet gather in the meeting room, led by President AJ – the only electable candidate in Planet Femme’s elections. Thanks to AJ, the planet is well taken care of and she  maintains a delicate balance, which is disturbed by a dramatic revelation from Minister Jess. How will the inhabitants of Planet Femme handle this change?

The group will work from text and bring their own experiences to life to awaken it. On Planet Femme, there is no knowledge of LGBTQIA+ identities, and in a chronological story, the characters will find out what this represents and entails.
Discover and celebrate Pride at Planet Femme!

Planet Femme can be seen on June 22, 2024 in Theater Korzo in The Hague. Tickets are available through this link and cost €20 each.

Theatre company Pardon creates performances for everyone. New players will receive a platform to tell their story from, which they ultimately hope will educate their audience in an enjoyable and entertaining way. Pardon makes theatre with and for everybody. The creative team behind Planet Femme consists of Robin Caro (artistic director), Fay Verberk (musical director) and Anne Gilijamse (choreographer). All three have graduated from the actors’ education at the MBO Theaterschool in Rotterdam. Together, they form the board of Pardon and collaborate to create the perfect rendition of their and the other cast members’ artistic visions.

The leading role, Minister Jess, is played by Nina van der Linden, who bases her performance on her own story. This is the first time that Nina shares this story on a stage; in fact, it's her first time performing in front of an audience since the 8th grade school musical. Pardon thinks it is pertinent to tell this story, and chooses to do so in the way they know best; through heartfelt dialogue, razor sharp wit and belly-aching laughter.

Recommended age: 12+
Spoken language: Dutch
Use of strobe lighting

Korzo Zaal

Planet Femme by Theatergroep Pardon


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