
Korzo Zaal


The beauty in failing by falling acrobats 

On a stage full of mats, seven acrobats share with us the art of falling. If the ground disappears under your feet, how do you land? And how do you get back up? Without something to hold on to, they venture into the void and fall, and fall again.. each time better and better. 

In the circus performance MAT Zinzi Oegema and Hanneke Meijers challenge themselves and each other to take risks. Because to get better at something you first need the courage to fail. And who understands the art of falling better than a circus artist? MAT is an international performance with spectacular acrobatics, addressing the need to let go of performance pressure, the beauty in failure and the freedom in allowing it. 

Zinzi Oegema (NL, 1989) creates exciting, engaging, acrobatic circus theater that appeals to a wide audience. She started with circus at the age of four, studied at Codarts Circus Arts in Rotterdam and specialized in partner acrobatics. She was the first circus maker in the Netherlands to receive a 'New Makers' subsidy from the Performing Arts Fund in 2017. 

From here on out, she has been working hard at the Dutch production house for contemporary circus TENT, with the both collective Common Ground and as a duo with Evertjan Mercier (Zinzi & Evertjan). From 2014 to 2018 she toured around the world with the French ensemble Cie XY. In 2022 she was approached by TENT to create the performance MAT, from which Oegema took a logical next step towards a larger project with more players. 

The artistic team also consists of co-director Hanneke Meijers and choreographer Piet Van Dycke. Meijers (NL, 1980) is a multi talent who combines her directorship at TENT with a rich list of qualities: creative producer, coach, image maker and co-director. Piet Van Dycke (BE, 1996) studied as a choreographer at Fontys University of the Arts in Tilburg and fuses dance and circus in his work. In 2021 he won the BNG Bank Dance Prize for striking choreographic talent and is now touring Europe with various successful shows. 

Director Zinzi Oegema
Performers Jean-Mario Milanese, Kira Rabenstein, Yahel Retter, Josse Roger, Nikki Rummer, Jemma Sneddon & Freya Stokka
Co-directing, visual design & concept Hanneke Meijers
Choreography Piet Van Dycke
Outside eye Kasper Vandenberghe
Music My Blue Van/basbeenackersmusic 
Covers decor Saskia de Zee • Tina Mastellone
Light design Wouter Moscou
Production creation and tour technician Arnold Schut
Tour production Majlen Hoogeveen
Production TENT (NL) • Common Ground (BE)
Coproducer : PERPLX (BE) • Circuswerkplaats Dommelhof (BE) • Cirklabo (BE)
Thanks to Fonds Podiumkunsten (NL) • Amsterdams Fonds voor de Kunst (NL) • De Vlaamse Overheid (BE) • Fonds21 (NL) • Het Cultuurfonds (NL) • Young Art Support Amsterdam (NL) Partners: Jacksons Lane (VK) • Split Second (VK) • ATOLL Festival (DE)

Korzo Zaal



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