
Korzo Studio

Event in the past.

Lab Works: VegeLijf

Duration 45 min

With Lab Works, you can take a look behind the scenes at Korzo.

Creatives and artists who are at work in the studio’s invite the public to come and watch during their creative process. We regularly open our doors to the public. This may be for a new performance, but can also be during residences and research projects. Come and take a look behind the scenes and get to know the artists at work in our theatre.

VegeLijf is a performance duo consisting of Hali Neto and Luuk Weers. At the Mime Academy, we found each other in our love for the 'pure' body. Since then, we have been making visual performances, inside and outside the theatre, that try to let people experience the beauty or fragility of the body, or rather: the beauty of fragility.

We are fascinated by human, bodily drives. In our view, in our human evolution we have become increasingly removed from these bodily needs and impulses. We have become accustomed to head-on solutions to discomfort, dissatisfaction or conflict. We plan, strategise and regulate or enlist the help of psychologists and paracetamol.

That we get hungry after a few hours without food and cannot go without oxygen for more than a few minutes has everyone ready, but what about the need for movement; touch; being in the moment? Does our body need sex? And violence? And when we get hungry, do we really need to eat?

In our residency, we will explore visual translations of drives we see as indispensable. We will then zoom in on one or a few of these and share them with audiences - to hopefully have a total examination of human drives in a few years, in the form of visual performances.


After VegeLijf's Lab Works, visit the performance Bambie 20 at 19:30.


© Marc de fotograaf
© Marc de fotograaf

Korzo Studio

Event in the past.

Lab Works: VegeLijf


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