
Korzo Zaal

Thu 17 Apr


Makers Hush
Duration 60 min
Part of Language no problem

Hitshow Hush is back!

With their new project Hush, De Dansers seek solace in physicality and musicality. Like a hand on your shoulder, a second voice that travels with you or a rhythm you can lean into like an embrace.

 De Dansers, the dance and music collective that completely sold out our Zaal last year, reunite at the crossroads between dance performance and pop concert. Dancers become musicians, and vice versa, musicians become dancers. Deft guitar flourishes drive the performers closer and closer into each other's arms, while hurling bodies spur on the rhythms with unfettered spirit and exuberance.

The story of Hush isn’t told by individual performance, but by the attention and dedication that transpires between the musicians and dancers. Each side complements and supports the other. Because in order to carry the world, one cannot do it alone.

De Dansers (Dutch for ‘The Dancers’) are a dynamic band of dancers and musicians based in Utrecht. They are led by choreographer/dancer Josephine van Rheenen and composer/musician Guy Corneille. The collective is known for their 'dance concerts': organic gatherings of energetic modern dance and live music. Performances by De Dansers tell easy-to-grasp, intuitively told stories about liberation and surrender, peppered with a pinch playful anarchism. To break free from that which stifles or oppresses a human being.

De Dansers hope to inspire notions of physicality and personal connection, especially in a society increasingly witnessed on screens. The collective creates works that move both young and old.

Concept Guy Corneille, Josephine van Rheenen
Choreography Josephine van Rheenen i.s.m. spelers
Live music and performers Ruben van Asselt, Guy Corneille, Yoko Haveman, Marie Khatib-Shahidi, Wannes De Porre, Hans Vermunt
Stage and light design Timme Afschrift
Costume design Carlijn Petermeijer
Technician Chieljan van der Hoek
Production Danae Bos
Business management Miriam Gilissen
Marketing en publicity Lizzy Schreijer
Education Sanne Wichman
Acquisition Frontaal Theaterbureau

Korzo Zaal

Thu 17 Apr
