
Korzo Zaal

Event in the past.

Glorious Bodies

All of us age, circus performers included 

Old age is still a taboo subject in our society. And certainly within the circus world. Like top athletes, most acrobats stop intensive training after a certain age. How do the most perfect bodies transform? As a human being, can you ever make peace with your own body? Can you exist in complete harmony? 

Glorious Bodies sheds light on the aging process in a singular way. Aging is something that happens to all of us, even at this very moment. The performance is based on partner acrobatics and movement, with six acrobats between the ages of 54 and 67 with a past in (more) classical circus.  

The performance breaks clichés around the older generation. Glorious Bodies is a physical, moving and hopeful circus and dance performance about the carrying capacity of our bodies, about seeing and being seen, about the boundary between classical and contemporary circus. In layman’s terms: circus history archived in the body. 


After the performance from 21:30-22:00, there will be an after-talk with Piet van Dycke and moderator Marc Maris. Before the after-talk will begin, the audience will be asked if there is a preference to have the talk in Dutch or English. We aim for the conversation to be accessible to as many people in the audience as possible.

Circumstances is the circus and dance collective led by Piet Van Dycke, developing, producing and distributing wordless, impactful circus and dance performances. Van Dycke works closely as a choreographer with circus performers. The main onus of Circumstances is in the name, creating with a specific set of conditions: on location and/or theater performances from different circus disciplines, or with children/young people/elderly, for different target groups. 

Piet Van Dycke works as a dance and circus maker, performer, coach and teacher at various art companies. He has been active for several years at dOFt, fABULEUS, Cie Woest, TeaTime Company and LAP, to name a few examples. In 2018 he graduated as a choreographer from the Fontys School of the Arts in Tilburg. Over the next 3 years he will work under PLAN – a development platform in the Province of Brabant (NL). He won the Jacques de Leeuw Prize in 2018, was chosen as 'Most Promising Maker' by reviewers Wendy Lubberding and Annette Embrechts in both 2019 and 2020. In 2012, Van Dycke won the BNG Bank Dance Prize 2021. 

Concept & choreography Piet Van Dycke
Performers Winfried Deuling, Astrid Schöne, Det Rijven, Thorsten Bohle, Paul Griffoen en Johannes Fischer
Music Kris Auwers
Dramaturgy Marie Peeters
Installation Arjan Kruidhof
Production Circumstances
Co-production PLAN, Festival Circolo, DansBrabant, Cirklabo, Circuswerkplaats Dommelhof, PERPLX, Perpodium
With support from De Vlaamse Overheid, Grensverleggers/deBuren, Sabam for Culture
Thanks to Miramiro, Destelheide, Wybren Wouda

Korzo Zaal

Event in the past.

Glorious Bodies


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