
Korzo Zaal

Event in the past.


Maker Dalton Jansen
Production DOX
Duration 90 min
Part of Soulciety
Future Heroes

Real freedom, what does that look like?

If you live in a child welfare institution, you can feel like you’re an outsider. Parents, vacations, an ‘ordinary’ life; you have no experience of all this. Thinking of the future can therefore be very frightening. There is usually not much encouragement for talent in these institutions. That I wanted to dance, was not seen as a very good idea there. By talking to these young people and making a performance based on these conversations, I want to make their hopes and dreams visible, give them a voice. - Dalton Jansen

Real freedom, what does that look like? In the child welfare institutions where he grew up, choreographer and dancer Dalton Jansen often looked out of the window at the birds. They were free, but searched for food all day. What would happen to him when he got free? Would he make it, there, in the outside world? In the performance filled with dance, spoken word and music, Dalton depicts the difficult path to maturity taken by young people who cannot live at home. How do you deal with the future if you did not grow up in a safe nest? Are you ready for society? And is society ready for you? With Birds, Dalton wants to show that it is possible: fight your way out of a bad situation, though it is never easy.

Extra program

Prior to the performance you can join the Lab Works by Justin de Jager for free. After the performance there is an aftertalk led by Hasan Gök.


Concept and choreography Dalton Jansen
Final Direction Anne Maike Mertens
Text contribution Bart van den Donker, Leandro Ceder, Dalton Jansen, Jefta Tanate, Anne Maike Mertens
Dance and play Jefta Tanate, Rúben Garcia Arabit en Leandro Ceder
Choreography Rúben Garcia Arabit en Jefta Tanate
Music Winterdagen
Lighting design Jasper Nijholt
Artistic coaching Timothy de Gilde
Powered by DOX & Productiehuis Theater Rotterdam
© Nick van Tiem
© Nick van Tiem

Korzo Zaal

Event in the past.



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