
Korzo Zaal

Event in the past.
Fri 16 Sep


Makers Igor & Moreno
Duration 60 min
Part of Language no problem

One person. In that one moment. One person who reinvents himself. 

BEAT started from questioning what it means to be part of a generation that was brought up with the promise of endless possibilities. It developed into an ongoing research on how we identify ourselves, how we recognise (or not) ourselves in others and how we are able to project multiple images of ourselves. We now imagine BEAT as a celebration of the fatigue, pain and uncertainty of deciding day by day – moment by moment – who we are. One person. On the spot. Reinventing themselves over and over.

Performed by Margherita Elliot
DJ's Martha, Anna Bolena
Light designer Seth Rook Williams
Set design and costume design KASPERSOPHIE
Dramaturge Simon Ellis
Production manager Fergus Waldron
Producer Sarah Maguire
Movement advisor Olmo Hidalgo
Directed by Moreno Solinas, Igor Urzelai
Co-producer Theatre de la Ville
Funded by National Lottery through Arts Council England
Commissioned by The Place, The Lowry and Cambridge Junction
Supported by The Spanish Embassy Office of Cultural and Scientific Affairs, Siobhan Davies Dance, Dance4, TIR Danza, Workshop Foundation, Dantzagunea, l’Animal a l’esquena, BAD Festival, S’ALA and The Point.
Special thanks to Angelica Bollettinari, Alice Elliot, Martin Holbraad, I Matti (Gameshow), Animali Domestici, Francesca Pennini, Margherita d’Aloja and Marisa Lim.

Korzo Zaal

Event in the past.
Fri 16 Sep



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