

Korzo's culture club for young people aged 15-25

Ready to Watch, React & Own It?

Going to theatre is more than watching a show. It is feeling, an experience, with a mission. Join Korzo's culture club! KunstKijkers dives deeper into the world of theatre with you and we offer fun bonus extras so you can really own the experience. This goes beyond just watching.

You talk along and share your own thoughts. Connect with other young people and become part of the audience, culture and theatre. Ready to look behind the scenes? Meet creators and voice your opinion? Let's Get Moving!


KunstKijker deals:

Mix &

Pick your favorites!


Visit 2 of the selected performances and additional club activities

€ 15  ipv € 20



Take a buddy with you!  

Duo ticket for 2 young people. Visit the performance and extra club activity together.

€ 10  ipv € 20

At the ticket shop, select the ‘Culture Club / Duo ticket’ at one of the performances below.
